Searching for Quotes From Trusted Local Builders in Kent?

Planning to add an extension, refurbish your home or convert your loft? We can help you to get started on your new project, large or small. Our selected local builders in Kent are all carefully vetted. You can rely on us!

Need Trustworthy Builders in Kent?
Let’s Get Going!

The Job

You’re all set to go; you’ve got your building permissions and your plans. Now you need builders you can trust. We’ll do a site inspection and create a detailed brief for your job.

The Quotes

We carefully select and thoroughly vet all the builders we contact on your behalf. Once we’ve reviewed their quotes, we’ll send you the best 3, with details on each contractor.

The Build

When you’ve chosen your contractor, we’ll appoint a building inspector with 3rd party approval. Then work can start. Payment is released in stages, following inspections.

My Build My Way has one goal…

To improve the practices of the construction industry

We want our customers to be able to trust the builders in Kent that work on their homes, or properties. Our business has been designed in order to achieve this goal. Every day we minimise the risks associated with finding local building contractors.

We work with some of the UK’s best contractors who help us to find trustworthy local builders in Kent for your project.

Local Builders in Kent

“It’s hard to put your trust in someone you don’t know.”

We introduce clients in Kent to reputable builders who can carry out the work they need doing on their house. All the builders we work with have been vetted, and they are backed by liability insurance. Payment isn’t released until the work has been checked and signed off by a Quality Surveyor.


My Build My Way’s Personal Guarantee

There are far too many scam builders taking advantage of their customers’ trust. Stories emerge every day of payment taken up front, and then work being abandoned after a few hours. And if the scammer has set up a Ltd Company, your money could be gone for good.

We stand against such practices, and My Build My Way was created in order to stop them happening. In order to work with us, contractors need a director who is held under ‘Personal Guarantee’. They are personally held responsible for the work undertaken.

We vet local builders in Kent thoroughly before they are able to quote on projects. As a consequence, we’ve exposed a number of scam builders. Our rules are simple, provide a personal guarantee for the work, and back it with insurance, or don’t work with us.