
Double rear extension, + internal works

Location: Rainham

Quote Price: £113,000.00

Final Price: £113,000.00

Estimated Timescale: 16 weeks

Actual Timescale: 16 weeks


Great use of space. Project went smooth with no issues. Client very happy with result.

Rear extension, relocation of drains + kitchen installation

Location: Bromley

Quote Price: £39,000.00

Final Price: £39,000.00

Estimated Timescale: 12

Actual Timescale: 12


Small extension to the rear which required hand digging as there was no side or rear access. Good use of space, client happy.

Double Story extension, loft conversion, single story rear + internal works

Location: Orpington, Kent

Quote Price: £253,000.00

Final Price: £310,000.00

Estimated Timescale: 24 weeks

Actual Timescale: 32 weeks


Huge delay with the foundations being inadequate by structural engineer. Piling was required and a new set of plans had to be drafted. However, the end result was exceptional and the client added the extension to the rear half way through hence the price increase (£37,500.00).

Easy as 1, 2 ,3

Your dream project doesn’t need to become a nightmare

1. The Job

Once you have your final plans ready and any required building permissions one of our team will meet with you to carry out a site inspection and to finalise your requirements.

2. The Quotes

We’ll discuss your project requirements with our trusted contractors. Then following a review process we’ll provide you with the best 3 quotes and additional information about each contractor.

3. The Build

Once you’ve chosen your quote we’ll appoint an approved inspector. Then the work will commence. Payments will be staggered at pre-agreed stages following successful inspections.