4 Kitchen Design Trends for 2022

Our kitchens have long been a space for multiple use. At the heart of the home they double as diners, play areas and coffee morning meeting spaces. Over the past two years they’ve developed a new function, as people confined to their houses have looked for space to set up their home office.

Now 2022 is underway, are you looking for ways to upgrade temporary hybrid kitchen fixes to a more permanent solution? Perhaps you’re thinking about ways in which the flow of your home could be improved? My Build My Way has come up with 4 kitchen design trends for 2022 that offer inspiration for kitchen re-designs that focus on creating a multi-purpose space for the family.

1. Create Zones in Your Kitchen

You don’t need walls to create discrete spaces for different activities in your kitchen; you simply need new eyes. Think about ways in which you could compartmentalise your kitchen to accommodate your requirements. Have you found a corner that’s excellent for work? Or a nook that’s perfect for reading in the afternoon?

Use small desks, rugs, cushions, and armchairs to re-orient your kitchen space, and redefine the activities that take place in it.

2. Open Plan For Fluidity and FlowOpen Plan Kitchen

With time a precious resource, families are learning to find new ways of living together. An open plan home creates fluidity for the family unit, providing private and semi-private spaces, as well as areas that can open up for socialising or an impromptu family gathering. The whole family owns the layout and can re-configure it to suit their needs.

Think about ways in which your home can be opened up to allow more light and enhanced flow for family activities. Consider sliding doors that can adapt to the moment.

Kitchen Designer3. Connect Your Kitchen and Garden

Gardens are far too precious to be rationed to 6 months of the year. If you have a kitchen that looks out onto the garden, why not widen your horizons by bring the outside, inside?

Here’s a few suggestions to get your creative juices flowing:

  • Replace a kitchen wall with glass. Install bi-fold doors to make your garden look like a continuation of the kitchen.
  • Install a picture window. Lower a waist height window to extend the view that you get from it and increase the light in your kitchen.
  • Let the sky in. A single rooflight in your kitchen adds another dimension to the room and extends the space vertically.

4. Install a Butler’s Pantry

Families can end up falling over each other in a kitchen, especially at breakfast or lunch time. If you’re looking for more of a Zen experience, think about installing a Butler’s Pantry. This is a kind of buffer zone where snacks can be assembled, coffee brewed and muffins toasted, leaving the main kitchen free for other tasks.

You’ll need a wall, hallway or larder that can house your ‘buffer’, stocked up with everything the family needs to eat on the go.

Ready to Re-Design Your Kitchen?

If you’ve been inspired by any of our kitchen design trends for 2022, My Build My Way can help you to minimise the stress of turning your ideas into reality. We can introduce you to the right builders for the job, all of whom have been checked and verified as trustworthy. Once you’ve chosen your builder, we ensure that everything goes without a hitch, and you get exactly the kitchen you want.

Best of all, our service is absolutely free to use. Like to find out more? Call us today on 0800 2465453.