Interior Design Trends For the New Year

11 Jan, 2023

Home Décor Trends That Will define 2023

Feeling flat after the Christmas holidays? For many people, January is a to time plan home improvement projects in order to brighten the mid-winter gloom. The start of the year always brings a host of new ideas from designers and architects, many of which will find their way into our homes in the course of the year. The My Build My Way team, has selected 5 interior design trends for the New Year to share with you.

Home Décor Headlines for 2023

Design trends don’t appear out of the blue; they reflect the major issues that are impacting society and our social lives. Climate change was an important issue throughout 2022 and it continues to dominate interior design in 2023. Sustainability sits at the heart of home improvement now in a way we haven’t seen before.

Interior Design Trends For the New Year

Very few people follow trends slavishly, but they’re an excellent way to get the creative juices flowing. Here are our favourites:

1. Create a Mezzanine Lookout

Over the past few years, we’ve developed a love of spaces for reading, enjoying a quiet coffee, or simply contemplating the view. In 2023 the direction of travel is turning from nooks and corners to mezzanine lookouts that provide both privacy and distance in otherwise communal spaces.

Split height library spaces are a visual delight, and they offer a perfect solution for mixed-use environments. Families are able to stay connected in one space, whilst pursuing different activities in comfort, and peace.

2. Heard of Japandi?

Japandi, Japanordic or Scandanese – these are all descriptions of a home décor style that combines the sleek minimalism of Japanese design concepts, with the home-based cosiness of Scandinavian interiors. The visuals favour a combination of elegant dark woods, set against light walls and enhanced by the use of natural materials.

This is a design concept that invites homeowners to connect to the natural world when making their interior design choices. Also known biophilic design, this approach acknowledges our need to blend urban living with a positive affiliation to nature.


The Colour of 2023

In 2021 it was grey; in 2022 it was lilac. Pantone has announced that the colour for 2023 is Viva Magenta. This is a warm hue, positioned between red and blue and is considered to be a bold, optimistic, and joyful design choice in an uncertain world. Whilst not everyone will rush to paint their walls this colour, focusing on this unusual tone gives us an opportunity to think about ways we may want to incorporate its warmth and fearlessness into our homes.

viva magenta

4. Putting Spare Rooms to Good Use

With more of us working from home, the idea of the ‘spare room’ is diminishing. It’s far more likely that there’s now a scramble to define the many uses of this space. Whereas the past couple of years have been about incorporating home working into the main living spaces of the house, 2023 indicates a shift. The focus is now on creating multi-purpose ‘spare rooms’ that can be adapted stylishly to the family’s needs.

5. Bathroom Wellness

The bathroom has been a focus of home improvement projects for a number of years now. This is set to continue into 2023. For many people, the bathroom is an ideal space in which to practice self-care and relaxation. It provides privacy, a range of sensuous pleasures, and a regular ritual to look forward to throughout the day.

Black, gold and bold colours are the colour choices for 2023, with accessories favouring natural fabrics, organic soaps and tropical plants.

Let My Build My Way Help With Your 2023 Interior Design

If you’ve been inspired by any of our interior design trends for the new year, why not let My Build My Way help to turn them into reality for you? We offer an architectural design service, or we can introduce you to the best local builder for your job.

My Build My Way acts as an introductory service for clients who need building work carried out in their home. We vet the builders we work with, and provide 3 competitive quotes for you to choose from. Our job is to make sure you find the right builder at the right price without compromising on top-quality workmanship.

If you would like to talk to us about either our architectural services, or finding a local builder, give us a call on 0333 7722356, or message us.