UK Construction Trends Transforming 2024

5 Jan, 2024

A Year of Building Blocks: Why Contractors Can Be Optimistic in 2024

2023 might have felt like a construction zone for the industry, riddled with material shortages, rising costs, and geopolitical uncertainty. But dust is settling, and the blueprint for 2024 looks decidedly brighter for UK contractors, especially adaptable building contractors. Here’s why:

Growth Rising. Forget caution tape, wave the green flag! Construction analysts Glenigan predict an excellent 12% industry growth in 2024, followed by another 3% in 2025. This optimism echoes a wider economic upturn, promising renewed confidence from businesses and consumers pouring into projects.

Foundations Firming. The CPA Construction Industry Forecast echoes this sentiment, expecting output to rebound by 1.1%. This surge stems from delayed 2023 infrastructure projects finally breaking ground, alongside increased government funding for school refurbishments. Other growth areas include retail refurbishment and fit out, and the repurposing of redundant commercial premises.

Growth Drivers in 2024

While the forecast for 2024 is sunny, it’s not just about basking in the growth. Construction professionals have the opportunity to become the architects of their own success. Technology is no longer just a ‘nice-to-have’, it’s the present-day foundation for success.

Let’s take a look at the tools and trends that will secure your competitive edge in 2024:

Sustainability: The Green Revolution in Construction

Sustainability: The Green Revolution in Construction

2024 marks a pivotal year for the UK construction industry, as sustainability takes centre stage. The UK government’s ambitious 2050 Net Zero pledge has ignited a green revolution, with initiatives like the Construction Leadership Council’s Advancing Net Zero programme and the Zero Avoidable Waste Routemap driving the shift towards eco-friendly practices.

Here’s how builders are embracing sustainability:

  • Source sustainable materials. Choose low-carbon concrete, recycled steel, and FSC-certified timber.
  • Embrace energy-efficient technologies. Invest in solar panels, heat pumps, and smart building systems to minimize energy consumption.
  • Prioritise circularity. Design for deconstruction and reuse, minimising waste generation and maximising resource efficiency.

3D Printing Takes Centre Stage

3D Printing Takes Centre Stage

While 3D printing might have seemed like a sci-fi concept for UK construction just a few years ago, 2024 promises to be the year it leaps from novelty to mainstream. Imagine personalised building components crafted on-site, intricate architectural details brought to life with laser precision, and streamlined workflows that revolutionise the way we build.

From Footbridges to the Future:

While larger projects are on the horizon, 2022 saw a pioneering step with BAM’s 3D-printed staircase for the M8 footbridge, marking it as “the largest printed concrete construction in the UK to date.” This pioneering project paved the way for the innovative 3D printed houses are currently being developed as a low-cost, and more efficient way of building homes.

The benefits of 3D printing are undeniable:

  • Reduced waste. Precise material usage minimises waste and optimises resource efficiency.
  • Greater design freedom. Complex shapes and intricate details become achievable, opening doors for innovative architecture.
  • Enhanced speed and efficiency. On-site printing capabilities offer significant time savings compared to traditional construction methods.
  • Cost-effectiveness. Costs are expected to decrease, making it a viable option for a wider range of projects.

BIM – Building Beyond Bricks and Mortar in 2024


While 3D printing grabs headlines, another digital revolution is quietly transforming the construction industry – Building Information Modelling (BIM). This game-changing technology takes construction beyond bricks and mortar, creating a virtual blueprint for your entire project, encompassing every detail from structural elements to material specifications and even maintenance schedules.

For years, BIM was considered the domain of large-scale projects. But its benefits for projects of all sizes are now undeniable:

  • Clash detection. It allows you to identify potential conflicts between different building elements before they materialise on-site, saving time and money.
  • Collaborative Tool. BIM acts as a central hub for all project stakeholders, streamlining communication and coordination.
  • Improved efficiency. The software optimises workflows, minimises errors, and allows you to make better-informed decisions throughout the construction process.
  • Sustainable design. Using BIM you can analyse the environmental impact of materials and design choices during the early stages, promoting greener building practices.

Work With My Build My Way

My Build My Way isn’t just watching these industry trends unfold; we’re actively paving the way for their adoption within the residential building sector. Our mission is crystal clear: to revolutionise residential construction by unlocking new growth opportunities for builders and contractors.

At My Build My Way we provide high-quality home improvement leads to contractors and peace-of-mind to homeowners. Our promise to builders is simple – we’ve got your back. We pre-qualify every project we offer, guaranteeing top-quality leads and minimising your risk.

Want to find out more about My Build My Way? Call us today to talk to one of our team – 0333 772 2356