Home Improvement Ideas

6 Jul, 2022

5 Home Improvement Ideas for the Summer

Summer’s a great time to make changes, refresh your home, or plan for change. Perhaps you’re thinking about a house move, preparing for a new addition to your family, or simply wanting to transform your living spaces. Whatever the reason, the My Build My Way team has come up with 5 home improvement ideas that you could complete over the course of the summer months.

  1. Energy Saving Improvements
  2. Create a Home Office
  3. Floating Shelves
  4. Redesign Your Garden
  5. Beautify Your Bathroom

1. Energy Saving Improvements

Soaring energy prices means we’re all looking for ways to make our homes more energy efficient. If you’re not ready yet to invest in a heat pump, but you would like some home improvement ideas, here are 3 areas where you can make a real difference to the insulation of your home:

  • Roof Insulation. Houses lose a good deal of heat through the roof. Adding just 270mm of loft insulation is one of the most cost-effective improvements you can make.
  • Draught Proofing. UK homes are notorious for draughts, especially if they’re older properties. Check out where your property is draughty, and use draught excluder to seal around windows, doors, and letter boxes.
  • Upgrade Doors. A poorly fitting door in your home will be a major drain on your energy use. Check out front doors, back doors, French windows and extension doors to see if you need to upgrade them.

2. Create a Home Office

Even if you haven’t made the switch to home working, one of the things the pandemic taught us was the value of having a dedicated work space in the home. Whether it’s for crafting, reading, or pursing a personal project, a home office space can transform you home – and your life.

  1. Don’t have a spare room? Look for a space that’s currently unused, or badly used and adopt it to create your home office.
  2. Thought about a garden room? You could build a multi-purpose space combining home office/studio/home cinema.

floating shelves3. Floating Shelves

Is it time to tackle your storage problem? If this is something you’ve been putting off, floating shelves could give you the inspiration you need. They look good, can be placed pretty much anywhere in your home, and – most important – give you an answer to your storage problem.

If you haven’t come across them yet, floating shelves don’t have supports; they’re anchored into the wall which is what gives them the ‘floating appearance’. This makes them extremely adaptable; they take up no floor space, and are ideal for bathrooms, or small rooms where shelving needs to fit above furniture.

4. Redesign Your Garden

It’s the obvious summer home improvement idea! There are so many ways that your garden can improve your well-being that it’s hard to know where to start. Here’s a few suggestions:

  • Create a wildlife-friendly border use pollinating plants such as primroses, lavender, and honeysuckle.
  • Plant a herbal window box – every house should have one, providing mint, rosemary, sage and thyme whenever you need them.
  • Make a chill-out space – is there a space in the garden that’s just for you? If not, create one. Add comfy seating, your favourite plants in containers, candles, or lights, and make time each day to spend there.

5. Beautify Your Bathroom

Bathrooms are currently amongst the most renovated rooms in the UK! It seems like the days of hopping in and out of the shower are over. The trend is now for long, leisurely baths, or showers and an aesthetic that invites you to linger. Think about:

  • Updating your bathroom suite.
  • Using natural materials for walls and floors.
  • Adding a waterfall feature to your bath.
  • Increasing the natural light by enlarging your windows, or adding skylights.

Do You Know What Your Next Project Will Be?

Whatever home improvement ideas you want to pursue over the summer, My Build My Way can help you to turn them into reality. We can introduce you to the right builders for the job, all of whom we have checked and verified as trustworthy. Once you have chosen the local builder you want, we’ll ensure that your project proceeds without a hitch. And you’ll have your new improvements in place by autumn.

Best of all, our service is absolutely free to use. Like to find out more? Call us today on 0333 772 2356.